Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This expression from Sue was sent out in an email on September 21, 2011.  I thought it was so good that it should be on the BGIChiro blog.  Enjoy, Jeffrey Hoffman, D.C..

During this time, as our passion for chiropractic is awakened, it would be easy to be swept up in the fervor of the debate, to assign blame, to allow anger, frustration, and fear to fuel the fire of this movement. But this type of passion, one quickened by animosity and antagonism, cannot sustain itself and is not expressive of the true passion that is chiropractic. For the true passion of chiropractic, is love. Love of life, love of humanity, love of service, love of the perfection.

In the movement, we are being asked to focus not on the outrage that we feel over drugs being imposed on our profession, nor on the manipulations and abuse of power that would attempt to lead us away from the heart and soul of chiropractic. This movement, founded in Spirit, would not have us accuse those who betrayed the positions entrusted to their care, nor condemn those who through apathy, inactivity, or greed, allowed the true message of chiropractic to be diminished.

Spirit would have us remember this, we are chiropracTORS. And as such, we are joined in the common purpose of turning on the power of life, and that purpose shall never perish through the coming of adversity. Stay grounded in service of humanity, and know that a vision created on a foundation of love, and trust in the perfection of the universe, can never fail. Express love and integrity in all words and actions, for to do less would dishonor the beauty that is chiropracTIC.

A foundation of love, honor, and respect will sustain and nourish this movement long after the quick fire of outrage dwindles. The true passion of chiropracTIC will awaken to a new dawn. And the sacred trust that is chiropractic will be cultivated in the light of a new day. We are one in this movement ....... one in Spirit ...... one with Spirit. We are chiropracTORs.